Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Completely Candid

This week at iheartfaces the category is Completely Candid. So i looked through all my pictures and I found this one...
This is a picture of my friend Emily. This summer I went with her and a group from my church to Guatemala for 10 days! It was so amazing! While on the trip it was her birthday. When we told all the kids it was her birthday they ran and dog piled her with hugs while screaming "Feliz Cumpleanos". It was so cute! And this picture is completely candid. And this is the picture of just three kids hugging her. You should have seen it when everyone was hugging her! It was so cute!

If you want to see more amazing pictures then click on the button below...

I would love some comments and constructice criticism. Thanks!
-Katey :)