Monday, July 13, 2009

Sports in Action

This week at iheartfaces is sports in action. I have a lot but once I flipped through them I realized that some of them arent very good at all but the one below is of my brother Clay. He was running a one mile fun run while my dad was doing the Allen Stone Run Swim Run at Virginia Beach.
The other category was Pets. So this is a picture of my friends dog, Sassy. She is a long haired doxen. She is very cute :)
Want to see more awesome photos! Check them out by clicking the button below...
I would love some cunstructive criticism and comments. Thanks :)


  1. Wow! He looks determined....great capture!

  2. What a sweet dog. I love the name of your blog. I feel like I am always attempting to take a good photo! My entry is here.

  3. The photo of your brother has a nice use of lines (the flags) and could probably be made even better with some minor cropping.
    The underexposure on the dog makes for a really interesting shot too.

  4. Thanks for your sweet comments. I wish I could give more constructive criticism, but I'm a learner too...but what is really helping me, is Pioneer Woman. She has awesome Photoshop tutorials and amazing (free) Photoshop actions(, which I consider to be "training wheels" while I'm learning. Have fun!

  5. Katey thanks so much for the comments on my blog! I love the action shot of your brother Clay and I am always a sucker for a puppy dog picture! Great job!

  6. I just love the photo of your brother - his determination shows through.
